CityLam SolarShield

CityLam SolarShield

CityLam has the ability to provide a range of Solarshield glass that offers a reflective look to a building whilst at the same time giving control and flexibility over the amount of light to be let in. The idea now is to create both an attractive and highly efficient solar control as well as reducing the amount of the sun’s heat entering through the windows.

CityLam - Solarshield Silver Reflective Laminates

Thickness - mmDescriptionStock Sheetsm2Weight - kgsEx-StockCity ToughCut to Size
6.38CityLam - Silver N.S2440 X 20004.8875.64YESNOYES
6.38CityLam - Silver N.S3210 X 22507.22111.91YESNOYES
8.38CityLam - Silver N.S3210 X 24407.83160.52NONOYES
10.38CityLam - Silver N.S3210 X 22507.22184.11NONOYES
12.38CityLam - Silver N.S3210 X 22507.22220.21NONOYES

CityLam - Solarshield Tinted Reflective Laminates

Thickness - mmDescriptionStock Sheetsm2Weight - kgsEx-StockCity ToughCut to Size
6.38CityLam - Tinted N.S2440 X 20004.8875.64YESNOYES
6.38CityLam - Tinted N.S3210 X 22507.22111.91YESNOYES
8.38CityLam - Tinted N.S3210 X 22507.22148.01NONOYES

The above Reflective Tints using a Polyvinyl Butyral tinted interlayer (PVB) are available in the following colours: blue, grey, bronze, green and regal blue
CityLam Solarshield also reduces the amount of light entering the interior of the building. These are available in a range of colours and three densities of coatings.
The terminology of S10, S20 and S30 refer to the metallic coating of the float glass prior to the laminating process which is directly proportional to the amount of light and solar heat entering the building.

Suggested Applications
• Maximum Solar Energy Control
• Curtain Walls
• External Solar Screens
• Skylights
• Glare Reduction in Buildings
• Glazed partitions and screen
• “One Way” vision panels
• Reflective glass for wall cladding
• Decorative safety mirrors
• Lift interiors
• Noise Control

It is extremely important to note that the edges of all Solarshield heat absorbing glass must be polished to negate and reduce the possibility of
thermal stress and fracture. The edges must be free of vented damage.
• These edges are produced by the straight line polishing machine operating at CITY GLASS.

The visual appearance of CityLam Solarshield glasses is determined not only by the colour of the glass and its metallic coating, but also influenced by environmental factors such as solar angle, ambient light level and quality, reflections in the glass and the viewing angle.


Solarshield Performance Data – based on 6.38mm thick CityLam Laminated glass

Visible Light – Transmission:
The percentage of visible light transmitted through the glass when the sun shines at right angles to the surface of the glass. The higher the light transmission would make a building appear to be more transparent from the outside. However, this may increase the glare on TVs, computer screens and/or work surfaces.

Visible Light – Reflection:
The percentage of visible light transmitted through the glass when the sun shines at right angles to the surface of the glass. The reflection increases as the angle of the sun decreases.

Solar Energy – Total Elimination:
The part of the sun’s energy halted by the glass or glazing system. This value will alter when subjected to varying environmental conditions. The environmental conditions, which affect Solar Heat Elimination, include air speed against, and the temperature on, both surfaces of the glass.

Solar Energy – Reflectance:
The amount of Solar Energy reflected off the surface of the outside glass.

Solar Energy – Absorption:
The part of the sun’s energy which is absorbed by the glass. The higher the absorption rate the higher the degree of thermal stress which will more likely lead to a glass to crack if incorrectly glazed or edge-worked.

Solar Energy – Direct Transmission:
The part of the sun’s energy which passes directly through the glass. This is independent of environmental conditions, such as wind and the temperature inside and outside.

Solar Energy – Total Transmission:
Added to Solar Energy Direct Transmission is the energy that is radiated into the building from warm glass. Again this is dependent on environmental conditions, such as wind and the temperature inside and outside.
Index of glass performance terminology used in the above calculations



Shading Coefficient – Ratio:
The ratio of Total Solar Energy Transmission of a glass compared with the Total Solar Energy Transmission of ordinary 3mm glass. Again this is dependent on environmental conditions such as wind and the temperature inside and outside.

A measure of the heat entering a building through glass by conduction. The lower the U-Value the better the insulation and the more effective the control of heat loss or heat gain. The U-Value is dependent on environmental conditions such as wind and the temperature inside and outside.

U-V Elimination:
The percentage of elimination of Ultra Violet rays Noise Control ISO rating/STC:
A single number weighted average used to define the sound insulation caused by glass. The number can be used to compare two pieces of glass, but must not be used to design or predict sound levels within a space.

Safety and Security Solutions:
• All Laminates undergo a test by dropping a 225gr. ball from a height of 9 metres.
• Each drop is equivalent to one strike of a hammer.
• The number of blows required to penetrate the CityLam Laminated glass of NS (Normal Strength) is 3 which has a rating of *1. The 3 strikes will provide a hole of 50mm in the laminated glass.
• The next CityLam Laminate strength is HPR (High Penetration Resistant) requires 8 strikes and has a rating of *2.
• The 8 strikes will provide a hole of 50mm in the laminated glass.
• The third CityLam Laminated strength is HI (High Impact) which requires 24 strikes and has a rating of *3.
• The 24 strikes will provide a hole of 50mm in the laminated glass.

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