
CityTough has the ability to provide a full range of Toughened glass that offers a wide range of applications to meet the requirements of architects and designers.
CityTough is available in thicknesses from 4mm to 19mm and the parameters in which it can be applied would depend on the design, application, colour of the required glass and glass sheet size availability.
Toughened glass is manufactured by subjecting the CityFloat glass to a process of heating and rapid cooling. This process sets up high compressive stresses at the surfaces with balancing tensile stresses in the centre of the glass, making it at least five times stronger than ordinary Float Glass.
Because of its increased strength it can withstand extremes of heat and cold from + 300?C down to -200?C. This resistance to severe temperatures allows CityTough glass to be used where ordinary annealed glass would more than likely to fracture due high thermal stresses, and is the ideal material for structural glazing.
The required CityTough Glass must be cut, drilled, surface worked, edge worked and shaped prior to the toughening process.
The recommended maximum size would depend on the thickness, application and design load considerations.

Suggested Applications

  •  Balustrades
  •  Sliding and Patio Doors
  •  Glazed panels in doors
  •  Shower doors
  •  Balcony enclosures
  •  Low level glazing
  •  Barriers between different levels
  •  Refrigerator doors and shelves
  •  Oven doors and shelves
  •  Table tops
  •  Hail resistant applications
  •  Additional strength for wind loading
  •  Squash Courts

All CityTough Toughened products come with the seal of approval under SAZ – Standards Association of Zimbabwe

Design parameters and tolerances for CityTough glass


  • All glass thicknesses from 4mm to 19mm can be drilled and holes are available in diameters of up to 80mm. However, holes may not have a minimum diameter less than the glass thickness.
  • It is also not recommended that holes smaller than 6mm be specified.
  • The proximity of holes to glass edges must not be less than indicated, where the distance “x” is 1.5t and the distance “y” is 4t. “t” is the glass thickness.
  • In the case of rounded corners, the dimension “y” is determined as shown and increased to 5t. In this instance “x” must remain as no less than 1.5t – but “x” shall be at least ¹?? “w” where “w” is the width of the glass.
  • Holes should be spaced to provide a minimum distance from each hole edge of 4t where “t” is the glass thickness.
  • It is essential that all glass including Toughened Safety Glass is fully isolated from any metal, metal frames and bolts.
  • In the case of bolting, the glass plate is secured by a clamping action opposed to the bolt itself. For this reason, isolation in the form of non-compressible fibre or similar grommets must be provided and this should be considered when finalising bolt sizes and hole diameters.
  • The maximum number of holes per plate is 24 and only two different diameter holes may be drilled on the same plate.

Hole Tolerances

  • Positioning is subject to a tolerance of ± 1mm.
  • The tolerance on hole diameters up to 25mm is – 0 to + 1mm
  • Where more than one hole is positioned, the distance between the holes is subject to a tolerance of ±1mm.

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